Get ready to make your volunteering experience unique

It’s Never Too Early to Start Learning
Joining a volunteering project is an important choice in each person's life. It means investing our own time to contribute to a better world for sure, but also to grow personal and acquire skills that will be useful in the future, whatever it is!
Join us for a learning experience to get the best from your European Solidarity Corps Experience!

Getting to know your hosting organisation as well as your new environment are two key elements to facilitate your integration process and optimize your life abroad but also your participation in the activities

Volunteering projects abroad are an incredible occasion to learn and to grow as a person. Many skills can be strengthened and the European Solidarity Corps is the best place to do it since some people are dedicated to support you during the whole process.

Why such a platform?
Volunteering within the frame of the European Solidarity Corps programme is a great commitment, from both you the participant and the organisations that host you.
It can be complex to understand all the information at the beginning of your project, and sometimes hosting organisations have less time available to complete all the tutoring tasks perfectly.
This platform will provide answers to your questions, and enable you to read through all the information at your own pace, or to revisit some topics during your volunteering.
Icing on the cake: additional information from the project partners has been added!

Any question or advice?
Contact us!
Copyright - Pistes-Solidaires - 2022

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein